End of 2020 Challenge: Strategic Single-Tasking

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

For the rest of the year: Focus on the lowest-hanging fruit!

My group program cohorts and private coaching clients hear it from me ALL. THE. TIME. 

Pick the one fruit that is the ripest, most fragrant, and hanging right there within reach!

With just over 3 weeks left in the year, let's not get overwhelmed by the need-to-dos, why-haven't-Is, and I-should-reallys.

We all have so much on our plates. Full stop.
Do yourself a solid and pause. 
No, really. Breathe.
Take a step back to get a wider look at what's in front of you.

Then ask yourself: 
What can I take action on FIRST that won't take a lot of money/time/struggle and, this last part is key, will make the most significant impact?

🔸Maybe it's finally getting a weekly email full of valuable content out to your subscribers
🔸Perhaps it's freeing up more creative time by bulk-scheduling your social media posts using Later or Planoly.
🔸What if what's right in front of you is a simple price increase? No apologies or explanation needed. 
🔸Or hey, maybe it's listening to your gut feeling to say no to an "opportunity" that won't have the ROI you deserve.

What happens when you focus your appetite on only the one juiciest thing?
You eliminate distractions. 
You follow through. 
You see positive results.
You build on that energy, then choose the next ripe fruit.

Let's finish out 2020 by building the habit of strategic single-tasking and carry that momentum into the new year.

When you hone your hustle, you direct that focused, creative, in-the-zone energy in an efficient way. I refute the standard definition that hustle means you have to be all over the place, all the time.

So I challenge you to focus on that lowest-hanging fruit for the next three weeks. It'll be delicious 🍋

Ana Manzano

Mentor Mama Bear and Creative Strategist


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