Disco Cloud Designs
"I was lucky enough to be a part of Ana's very first SYMBIOSIS group coaching cohort and I loved every minute of it. I felt like she is a loving guidance counselor who has been there, and can help you do some of the hard but essential work in the school of life and business.
Not including the basics of running a thriving business, the very important task of knowing WHY you do what you do, having a real vision for your future, and fostering a growth mindset that is the real power gear of acceleration in "success." Most of us know the value in this and having a safe space and encouragement really helps to follow through really helps.
In a time of insane amounts of information on any given subject, it can be overwhelming to absorb what exactly you need to focus on. Ana did the work of organizing and prioritizing the activities of a functioning business (for that alone, the coaching is worth it).
It was awesome and validating to be in a group of folks that understand the need and drive for wanting to create new ideas, products, businesses, and really a space to dream of a new reality; a way of being and doing that maybe only manifest with a clear mind, tenacious heart and a little bit of childlike optimism. I will continue to work on these with Ana and I recommend you do too."
Yuki Cloud, Disco Cloud Designs