Perfection Paralysis.
Calling myself out, y’all: At the core, I’m a die-hard Perfectionist. I know damn well that the concept is false and the goal is unattainable. Yet I set very high standards for myself because it keeps me pushing to evolve into a better version of what I thought I could be. (Or so I’ve convinced myself.)
The all-too-real downside? Hitting the mindset roadblock of perfection paralysis: When action halts because those impossible standards can’t be met (at least not without lots of rage, whiskey, and long nights). I can’t tell you how many rad products are still just concepts in my sketchbook, or gorgeous raw images are just sitting on a drive. Everything waiting their turn for my confidence to calibrate with my creativity before they finally get released into the world.
Part of the Hustle Takes Heart mission is to help visionaries let go of the concept of “not good enough” and finally get their ideas out in front of the people they’re meant to reach.
And for the first time in a LONG time, in preparing all the details for this project to take flight, there were no nerves or doubts that this mission, this THING that has been crafting itself through all my years in various creative & entrepreneurial fields, is exactly how it should be in this moment. I still have high standards — But they are shadowed by the genuine goal to not let minor details keep this mission a secret from the people I’m here to serve.
How have you overcome perfection paralysis? Or are you in the thick of it now?