Why Artists are Essential
Throughout the pandemic, I have been struck by the term “essential worker,” describing members of our communities whose roles are key to our basic survival. As we watched entire industries crumble, countless creative colleagues and I scrambled to course-correct amidst fear and uncertainty.
Then, magic started happening. Musicians and DJs began live streaming for donations. Our River City Marketplace team planned online events to keep our makers afloat. Artists offered porch drop-offs and virtually auctioned custom pieces.
Our creative community is essential.
No matter your medium.
We help people celebrate and mourn.
We challenge people to pause, think and act.
We bring carefree whimsy to canvas and deep sorrow to song.
We give life texture.
Your creative voice is essential to give yourself and others a guide for navigating the complexities of the human experience.
Just like the profound effect that viewing my first documentary had on me, a bespoke breast cancer bracelet can bring emotional healing to a survivor and an inclusive shirt design can make a LGBTQ teen feel understood — both true instances shared by clients.
Author Simon Sinek said “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” In guiding artists like you to define your Why and crafting the visual storytelling assets to effectively communicate it, I have the great honor of helping to authenticate and amplify the impact your work can make.
How did you pivot with your brand over the past year?
Where do you need further support to pivot with confidence?